Perspectives on Decision Support Systems: Summary of FG Filip’s Presentations

Dr. Florin G. Filip recently sent two presentations to me. The two presentations are regarding decision support systems (Florin 2018a, 2018b). This short blog posts provides my summary of the presentations, but for more information about computer-supported collaborative decision-making see the Springer book (Filip, Zamfirescu, Ciurea 2017). Both presentations that were shared with me by …

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Preparing for ISSIP 2019

Wishing everyone a relaxing/festive holiday season and productive/inspiring new year 2019. Please join us at HICSS 52 (Maui), Naples Forum (Ischia), Frontiers (Singapore), AHFE HSSE 2020 (San Diego) – where ISSIP sponsors best paper awards to advance our members professional development. Also, please submit on behalf of your organization a proposal for ISSIP’s Annual Excellence …

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Douglas C. Engelbart: Mother-of-all-demos 50th Anniversary Celebration

Nice documentary video now available on Amazon Prime. Today is Sunday December 9, 2018.  Fifty years ago at an early computer conference in San Francisco, a researcher from SRI (Stanford Research Institute) unveiled what he and his team had created – a view of the future of augmented human performance with advanced technologies in computing …

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Employee Ownership of Firms and AI: Annotated Bibliography

Thanks to Rohith Jyothish and Anil Srivastava for pointers. The first paper (Freeman 2018) present three laws of “robo-economics” – and is important to read carefully.  The pros and cons of profit sharing with employees is well explored in the second and third papers (Weitzman & Krause 1990; Krause 1986), especially from an incentives for …

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Naples Forum on Service – June 4-7, 2019 on Ischia – 400 word abstract due by January 19 (extended)

The Naples Forum on Service Program The Forum starts on Tuesday, June 4, 2019, with registration and a reception at 6.00 pm. On Wednesday, June 5, the Forum opens at 8.30 am and ends on Friday, June 7, at 5.00 pm. For details and continuous updates, see Venue Hotel Regina Isabella, Piazza Santa Restituta …

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Bertrand Russell quote about the need for tolerance in an interconnected world

Jeff Saperstein and Hunter Hastings co-authored the book “The Interconnected Individual” – read my summary here. Jeff just sent Hunter and I the following Bertrand Russell quote about living in a more and more closely interconnected world… “Love is wise; hatred is foolish. In this world, which is getting more and more closely interconnected, we …

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The four innovations that I would most like to see…

The four innovations that I would most like to see… (1) Education: Rapid rebuilding from scratch as basis of entrepreneurial education (2) Healthcare: Self-cleaning exoskeleton with AR/VR hoody display clothing linked to tele-robots as basis of healthy aging (3) Retail: 3D printed steaks that remove carbon from the atmosphere and recycling as basis of retail …

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OSS in University-Industry Collaborations

The importance of open source software (OSS) in university-industry collaborations is on the rise – generating an ever growing two way flow of advanced code and high tech talent, spinning up a wide range of startups as well. The best practice open source communities has three parts: (1) open access to code, (2) a commercially …

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Service Science: Some links SSME has spread to 250 universities in 50 countries on six continents offering degree programs and specific courses. Some examples include: Some service science conferences: