STEM in the News!

This just in from Dick Larson (MIT): The first is Irving Wladawsky-Berger’s  blog post, “STEM Literacy and Jobs,” which eventually (in somewhat shortened form) made it to the WSJ. We at MIT were happy that he cited two our our STEM papers:  “Stem is for Everyone” ( and “STEM crisis or STEM surplus? …

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This just in from Ben Shaw (IBM): Recent Press: Samsung, Air Force, Lawrence Livermore Partnership: Misha Mahowald Prize: Computer History Museum: 16-Chip System: Boot Camp: Papers: ecosystem: convolution networks: backpropagation: architecture: neuron model: applications: programming: Video: Brain-inspired Computing: Dharmendra Modha, IBM Fellow and …

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Ken Goldberg (Berkeley, CITRIS): Multiplicity

Ken Goldberg just sent this excellent piece:   Multiplicity has More Potential Than Singularity Ken Goldberg Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk are extremely intelligent humans.  So it’s not surprising that the concerns they’ve recently raised about Artificial Intelligence (AI) surpassing human intelligence have generated widespread anxiety.  But fears of the “Singularity” are distracting …

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WOSC conference maybe of interest service systems researchers

This just in from Marialuisa Saviano…   Dear Colleagues, as anticipated during our last email interaction for the paper to be published in JOSM, we are very pleased to announce you the next WOSC Congress that will be held in Rome at Sapienza, 25-27 January 2017, in collaboration between the World Organisation of Systems and …

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Future of data access rights as a service

Prof. Irene Ng (UK, U Warwick) wrote in Scientific American opinion blog: Google, Facebook and most other big tech companies don’t typically give customers exclusive custodial rights over their data. As threats to their security and reputations mount, however, these companies are starting to change their tune. In the case of Whatsapp, Facebook still retains …

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CFP: Smart Service Systems (Information Systems Journal)

This just in from Christoph Breidbach:   Jim, I very much enjoy reading through and was hoping that you could include a CfP on the page. My colleagues Daviel Beverungen, Jens Poeppelbuss, Virpi Tuunainen and I are editing a Special Issue on ‘Smart Service Systems: An Interdisciplinary Perspective’ for the Information Systems Journal. The …

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a new “science of cognitive computing” curriculum

Currently, I am working on a new “science of cognitive computing” curriculum for IBM with our partner universities and others to allow people of all ages to design, build, understand, and work with cognitive mediators.  The curriculum is inspired in part by the work of Douglas Engelbart, an American engineer and inventor, and an early …

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Opinion: New teaching curriculum, discovery process, and political philosophy needed for building robust cognitive systems

A colleague of mine, whom I have great respect for, just sent a fascinating email to a group of global computer science researchers as well as social science and policy making scholars.  He wrote in part:   Building robust cognitive systems requires moving beyond task-specific systems, to cognitive architectures where the same system (1) handles …

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Startups are hard work and most will fail

Startups are hard work and most will fail. However,  most students and early career professionals will become more future-ready T-shaped adaptive innovators if they work hard and learn fast at one or more startups. Steve Miller (IBM Analytics) sent me these interesting reads: Check out one experience about how hard it really is to spin …

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