The Future

Cheap AI/DL in the cloud leads to technology deflation driving costs out of service systems at all scales – so….  (a) AI will rapidly become a commodity decreasing the cost of nearly everything, (b) large companies will be transformed by automation and augmentation, (c) small companies will flourish and people will be involved in several …

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CFP HICSS 51 – Smart Service Systems: Analytics, Cognition and Innovation

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Colleagues, Hello! We are serving as a co-chair of the “Smart Service Systems: Analytics, Cognition and Innovation” minitrack in the Decision Analytics, Mobile Services and Service Science Track of the upcoming 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (, and writing to scholars such as you with expertise in various areas of …

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Ponder this

I am trying to think hard about the 10 million minutes of experience that people go through to develop adult capabilities, as well as the 2 million minutes of experience from adult novice to adult expert – when people transition professions. Mapping these developmental progressions into capabilities, and then capabilities into technologies is quite challenging …

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Building Blocks to the Future: Cognitive OpenTech

As context, consider (1) the rapid pace of development of Cognitive OpenTech and (2) the remaining Grand Challenges of AI/CogSci… Part 1: Cognitive OpenTech Progress Now consider the relative importance of big Data, Cloud compute power, and new Algorithms as a Service in making progress… we can call all these factors the DCAaaS drivers of …

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Industry-University Programs

While leading IBM Global University Programs for seven years, my team and I developed the 6 R’s of industry-university programs: Research Readiness Recruiting Revenue Responsibility Regions These 6 R’s are described with examples in this presentation and this paper: T shaped people 20130628 v5 from IBM Paper: IBM GUP 5Rs copy 2 Click on the …

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Readings and thoughts

Books 1.Csikszentmihalyi M (1990) Flow: The pyschology of optimal experience. NY: Harper. Extracts: 2.Hendy S, Callaghan P (2013) Get off the grass: kickstarting New Zealand’s innovation economy. Auckland University Press. Review 1: Review 2: Weta Digital: 3.Anderson JC, Kumar N, Narus JA (2007) Value merchants: Demonstrating and documenting superior …

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ISSIP & JST: Future Services and Societal Systems in Society 5.0 and Japan Science and Technology (JST) co-created a workshop and here is the report: (full text) (summary) Best Regards ___________________________________________________________________________ Naohumi,Yamada                        Center for R&D Strategy, JST Tel;03-6261-1858                         FAX;03-5214-7385 E-Mail     ___________________________________________________________________________

NAS Workshop – Integrated Education (STEM, Liberal Arts, etc.)

I have been asked to present an industry perspective on the need for T-shaped skills at a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) workhop on “STEM Integration Into The Liberal Arts.” Here is my presentation: Here is a podcast (Dave Goldberg, Big Beacon/Whole New Engineer): In industry, we see the need for business, engineering, social …

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