ServiceWave 2010 Call for Workshops

ServiceWave 2010  Call for Scientific Workshops

ServiceWave 2010 solicits submissions for workshop proposals. The workshops will be held within the conference, December 13‐15 2010 at Ghent, Belgium.

The main goal of the ServiceWave 2010 workshops is to stimulate and facilitate active exchange and interaction related to any of the conference topics, which include, but are not limited to, the following: Service Engineering, Service Assemblies, Service Management, Service Oriented Architecture Runtime, Quality of Service, and Cloud Services, and Services in the Future Internet

We particularly encourage workshops on key research challenges that are:

Multidisciplinary: involve synergy between different scientific communities and research disciplines, with a special focus on requirements of the Future Internet,

Domain specific: focus on complete service oriented solutions for specific application domains, e.g. healthcare, telecommunications, government and public sector, military, etc.,

Operationally extreme: focus on solutions intended/designed for specific operational environments/requirements, e.g., providing 24×7 services, supporting communities of mobile/partially connected services, etc.,

Collaborative: promote collaboration between academic institutions, industry, and communities of users,

Reporting real‐world experience: focus on experience with service‐oriented architectures deployed in production settings.

Workshop Co‐Chairs

Michel Cezon, INRIA, Grenoble, France

Yaron Wolfsthal, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel

Workshop Proposal Submission

Workshop proposals should not exceed three pages, and should include the following elements:

-a description of the workshop topic and the issues on which the workshop will focus,

-the motivation of why the workshop is of interest at this time,

-a description of the workshop format (including the number of anticipated accepted papers), the workshop duration,

-brief bios of the organizers.

Workshop proposals should be submitted electronically through the EasyChair system:

Submission guidelines and format information are available on the conference website.

Important dates

Workshop proposal submission: July 23, 2010 11:59pm, GMT

Notification of acceptance: August 20, 2010 11:59pm, GMT

Publication of CFP’s of accepted Workshops: no later than August 27, 2010


Workshop Post‐Proceedings are expected be published by Springer‐Verlag Services Science series.

More information?  For additional information, consult with Workshop Chairs (