Service in Abnormal Condiditons

Service in Abnormal Conditions. Steve Baron (UK, University of Liverpool) and Gary Warnaby are developing a fascinating sub-area in the emerging service science area that they call “service in abnormal conditions.” Steve recently presented at the Frontiers in Service Conference in Karlstad Sweden, and I quote a bit of their abstract: “As we write this abstract, the UK is in the grip of the worst winter conditions for over forty years. Extremely heavy snowfalls, coupled with temperatures as low as -18oC, have disrupted normal life. Roads have become impassable, schools have closed, and millions of people have been unable to get into work. The extreme, ‘arctic’ weather conditions have been the number one news item on every bulletin for the past three weeks. Every citizen has a weather-related critical incident to share. ‘Normal service’ has been temporarily suspended. ”

Did I mention how much planning they must do for “service in abnormal conditions”? Watch this: (and to see application of same asset management technology at University of Dayton Also see: