IAMOT 2020 Cairo, Egypt April 5-9.

IAMOT 2020 Cairo, Egypt April 5-9. Call for Abstracts – Deadline Oct 15, 2019. https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iamot2020

The 29th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT) invites academicians, policy makers, technology experts and business leaders concerned about the impact of technology on our life, organizations and people to share their knowledge and expertise on how to leverage the management of technology for the future that we want. Technology is the main factor that is changing the world as we know it today, the conference aim is to advance and support the practice of Management of Technology for the betterment of our organizations, societies, and future. The conference will bring the most pressing technology-related issue for an in-depth analysis, discussion and study to facilitate the transformation of knowledge and exchange of expertise.

Towards the Digital World & Industry X.0. The theme is interdisciplinary enough to cover the entire ecosystem that includes, technology, management, strategy, business, economy, development studies and innovation, to name a few. the focus is on what technology is brining in terms of future opportunities, possibilities, risks and the latest thinking in management to leverage the benefits of technology while mitigating the risk associated with it.

Towards a Digital World
Industry 4.0 and beyond
Science and technology policy
National systems of innovation
R&D infrastructure and management Entrepreneurship, new ventures and SMEs SME’s and their challenge
Data analytics
IOT and smart cities
Development of Africa
MOT Education & Theory
Industrial & Manufacturing Technologies Bioengineering and emerging technology New service and product development Technology Disruption through start-ups Complex Systems, Cultural, Social and human issues
Strategic issues, competitiveness, quality & productivity
E-commerce, supply chain management, and virtual organisations
Technology transfer, partnership and sustainable development
Technology issues and Management of technology in developing countries Intellectual property for economic growth IPR ecosystem in developing countries Diffusion and adoption of technologies Management of emergent and disruptive technology
Project and program management Competitiveness in globalized world Safety and risk management in technology development project
Technology and Sustainability

Please submit a one page abstract including keywords and topic from the list of topics of the conference. Preference is given to papers that have application to a sector of the economy such as Manufacturing, Agriculture, Tourism, Healthcare, Banking,Transportation, Water Resources, etc.


  • Submission of abstracts: October 15, 2019
  • Notification of acceptance of abstract: November 15, 2019
  • Submission of full papers: December 15, 2019
  • Notifications of acceptance and changes: January 15, 2020
  • Final paper submission: February 15, 2020

Call for Abstracts: