No Coding Required

An IBM colleague recently sent me a pointer to an interesting article about how scientists and researchers are increasingly using familiar tools like Mathematica to get the benefits of AI/ML/DL with no coding required (Hutson 2019).

At IBM CODAIT (Center for Opensource Data and AI Technologies) making AI/ML/DL more accessible to data scientists and AI developers is part of an on-going mission to democratize AI in the enterprise, for business and society (Bommireddipalli 2018). The Model Asset eXchange (MAX) and the Data Asset eXchange (DAX) are great places to start. The developers of AI-powered applications need AI models and data scientists need data – so MAX and DAX provide good starting points.

Of course, with a little bit of programming experience one can do even more!


Bommireddipalli V, Fu MM, Holt B, Malaika S, Singh A, Spohrer J, Truong T (2018) Open source and AI at IBM. 20181212 URL:

Hutson M (2019) No coding required: Companies make it easier than ever for scientists to use artificial intelligence. “… software program, Mathematica, added machine learning tools that were ready to use, no expertise required. He began to play around, and realized AI might help him choose the plausible geometries for the countless multidimensional models of the universe that string theory proposes. …. One of the latest systems is software called Ludwig, first made open-source by Uber in February and updated last week. Uber used Ludwig for projects such as predicting food delivery times before releasing it publicly. Ludwig can train itself when fed two files: a spreadsheet with the training data and a file specifying which columns are the inputs and outputs. Once it learns to recognize associations, the software can process new data to label images, answer questions, or make numerical estimates. At least a dozen startups are using it, plus big companies such as Apple, IBM, and Nvidia, says Piero Molino, Ludwig’s lead developer at Uber AI Labs in San Francisco, California.”  20190731 URL: