Books for those redesigning education

Books for those redesigning education:

Kline SJ (1995) Conceptual foundations for multidisciplinary thinking. Stanford University Press. URL

Dartnell L. The knowledge: How to rebuild our world from scratch. Random House. URL:

Open Source Ecology:
Open Source Ecology Introduction:
Key Points: This book treats the perennial question of making a better world, and is an applied experiment inviting you to the journey.
Artificial Scarcity – ending it
Evolving as Humans – core of the message is that we will not move forward with technology alone – but by gaining in meaningful, full lives. This takes wisdom. Technology can help. Current technology will not do – it must be appropriate. The GVCS is designed to fill this gap – the prerequisite for a civilization advancing in its human potential beyond artificial scarcity.

Book for CEOs to learn AI:
Domingos P (2015) The master algorithm: How the quest for the ultimate learning machine will remake our world. Basic Books. URL:

Spohrer (IBM) – Artificial Intelligence:
Ezell (IFTF) – Silicon Valley:

More reading recommendations: