The following are outlines of talks at HICSS-52 workshops – the presentation is uploaded to Slideshare here:
AI & Jobs/Skills: Four main talking points
•The Mega-Trend:
Open source AI is a mega-trend,
•Can everyone become an entrepreneur?
Three laws of Robo-Economics – Freeman RB (2018) Ownership when AI robots do more of the work and earn more of the income. Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership. (2018 Jun 11). 1(1):74-95. . •See also Ng ICL (2018a) Mimicking firms: Future of work and theory of the firm in a digital age. See: •Ng ICL (2018b) The market for person-controlled personal data with the Hub-of-allThings (HAT). Working Paper. Coventry: Warwick Manufacturing Group. WMG Service Systems Research Group Working Paper Series (01/18) DOI 10.13140/ RG.2.2.20917.78561
•Probably not, but everyone can be part of an entrepreneurial household/family
Are farmers entrepreneurs? Will biological abundance be replaced by digital abundance – seems likely that everyone will eventually have 100 digital workers. See
•Why Important?
The ”Working Hypothesis” by Oren Cass: e.g.
AI & Bias: My four key points – I can cover in 5 minutes.
- The Mega-Trend:
Open source AI is a mega-trend, including for ethics, e.g., - Your Help Needed:
Your help – and your data are needed – please consider participating in open source communities working on the challenge of AI and Bias, e.g. (also see Linux Foundation Deep Learning work in this area – - Related Areas:
Remember, there are many adjacent open source communities for adversarial attacks, explanation, etc., e.g, and - Why Important?
One of the biggest benefits of AI may be persuading us all to be more ethical beings as we understand the historic origins and source of our biases in complex decision-making that work against us and our species in the world of today, read Harari’s “Sapiens” - If time… plug/ has an annual service excellence award (deadline 2019 Jan 31) and awards at several other conferences fyi – some made at HICSS conference for best papers – fascinating time for great work in service innovation – so ISSIP is making more awards, to help professionals develop in their careers and get their bona fides for good work! See – please feel free to apply or pass along to colleagues with interesting service innovations (practice and application for annual award) or service reseasrch (best papers at conferences)
Very short bio – Jim Spohrer leads open source AI for IBM’s Digital Business Group with a focus on the open source developer ecosystem.
100-ish word bio:
Jim Spohrer directs IBM’s open source Artificial Intelligence (AI) efforts in IBM’s Digital Business Group with a focus on open source developer and data science ecosystems. Previously at IBM, he led Global University Programs, co-founded Almaden Service Research, and was CTO Venture Capital Group. After his MIT BS in Physics, he developed speech recognition systems at Verbex, an Exxon company, before receiving his Yale PhD in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence. In the 1990’s, he attained Apple Computers’ Distinguished Engineer Scientist and Technology title for next generation learning platforms. With over ninety publications and nine patents, he won the Gummesson Service Research award, Vargo and Lusch Service-Dominant Logic award, Daniel Berg Service Systems award, and a PICMET Fellow for advancing service science.
FYI… Rama Akkirahu (IBM DE) is running the “AI and Bias” workshop. There are other AI related workshops at HICSS today as well. In fact too many to mention all of them. I will be around at 12:30 I think -and I have promised Kevin Crowston, I will present first in his workshop at the same time, and then head over to your workshop – sorry but somehow I agreed to be in two places at the sametime.