Annual re-read list – my top ten books

From bottom (longest time on list) to top (shortest time on list)… I try to re-read once a year if I can…

(10) Fagin R, Halpern JY, Moses Y, Vardi M (2004) Reasoning about knowledge. MIT press.

One of the most cited books in artificial intelligence – a must read.  Reasoning about the value of knowledge has yet to be written.

(9) Goodsell DS (2009) The machinery of life. Springer Science & Business Media.

Speed of molecules is a key insight the above:

(8) Moss D (2007) A concise guide to macroeconomics. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts.

If you only have 30 minutes – this is a fine substitute:

(7) De Chardin T. Pierre (1959) The phenomenon of man. Trans. Bernard Wall. New York: Harper & Row.

A complex person I wish I had known:

(6)  Searle JR (1995) The construction of social reality. Simon and Schuster.

Culture is amazing emergent phenomenon – and how we come to agree on certain institutional facts is fascinating.

Big impact on culture and institutional facts coming; see Doug Lenat (Dr. Commonsense Reasoning) wrote about “weak immortality” in this issue of AI Magazine article – search for “weak immortality”

(5) Peavy RV (1997) SocioDynamic Counselling: A Constructivist Perspective.  “The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem.” Trafford.

What is subjective experience and how can the re-telling and re-making of the stories of our lives help us adapt to tragedy and suffering?

(4)  Auerswald P (2011) The coming prosperity: How entrepreneurs are transforming the global economy. Oxford University Press.

How can we change the culture of the world to make startups the new olympic sport of choice?

(3) Kline SJ (1995) Conceptual foundations for multidisciplinary thinking. Stanford University Press.

T-shapes skills and mindset without using that terminology – socio-technical system design loop and human techno-extension factor.

(2)  Mohr BJ, Amelsvoort PV (2016) Co-creating humane and innovative organization:  Evolutions in the practice of socio-technical system design.  Global STS-D Network Press.

Service science studies socio-technical system evolution of capabilities, constraints, rights, and responsibilities.  The cost burden of responsibilities is politics.

(1) Dartnell L (2015) The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Civilization in the Aftermath of a Cataclysm. Penguin.

How can we change the culture of the world to make rebuilding rapidly from scratch a priority?

(1 above) Displaced from re-read stack (temporarily?):
Hawley AH (1986) Human ecology: A theoretical essay. University of Chicago Press.

(2 above) Displaced from re-read stack (temporarily?):
Simon HA (1996) The sciences of the artificial. MIT press.

(3 above)  Displaced from re-read stack (temporarily?):
Deacon TW (2011) Incomplete nature: How mind emerged from matter. WW Norton & Company.

Learning mechanisms – evolution, brain, culture – are important – if you don’t have time for Deacon, then a fine summary (of another book) to substitute is:

(4 above) Displaced from re-read stack (temporarily?):

Norman DA (1993) Things that make us smart: Defending human attributes in the age of the machine. Basic.

However, should re-add this book, since I find I am promoting it more and more, because of discussions about intelligence augmentation as well as living with complexity.  However, I find it Auerswald’s focus on entrepreneurship key, and his new book “Code Economy” combines the entrepreneurship, recombinations, design, and augmentation themes nicely.  Still, Norman also has this more recent book that is relevant to today’s design challenges:
Norman DA (2010) Living with complexity. MIT press.
And I also like this related book by Samuel Arbesman a lot:
Arbesman S (2016) Overcomplicated: Technology at the Limits of Comprehension. Penguin.

Still they are not in my 2017 stack of top ten books to re-read, though I re-read them….  so many good books to re-read, and so little time…

Fiction and other genre (spiritual) go elsewhere – but my all time favorite science fiction book, which I truly love, is without a shred of doubt:

Stephenson N (1995) The Diamond Age: Or, A Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer.  Bantam Spectra.