The Future of Business Education

The Future of Business Education Isn’t What You Think It Is: How Cognitive Systems and Industry 4.0 Will Revolutionize Management.

In the age of accelerations, the best way to predict the future is to inspire the next generation of students and early career talent to build a better world (Friedman 2017).  Building a better world requires grit and better building blocks, and perhaps even heroism at times ( Duckworth 2016; Hatch 2013; Lowney 2010; Hannibal, 2017).   Artificial Intelligence/Intelligence augmentation, virtual reality/augmented reality, blockchain/open technologies, and material/energy systems provide these new building blocks (Domingos 2015; Antunes 2012).  In the corner of my garage, there is a stack of boxes my wife is after me to throw out.  Old stereos, sound systems, albums, cameras, video recorders, computers, and more that I paid many thousands of dollars for as a struggling student then early career professional over the years.  Today my smartphone provides all these functions, and more – such as speech translation from other languages – at a fraction of the earlier cost (Gada 2017; Gershuny 2003).   By 2035, no one can yet predict the form factor of your mobile device, but projections indicate that it will have an exascale of computing power – the computing power estimate of one person’s brain (Friedman 2017; Norman 1993). Let’s explore together the implications of cognitive systems and Industry 4.0 on the future of business education. (Hint: Faculty and students will need to become more T-shaped!).


Antunes S (2012) DIY Satellite Platforms: Building a Space-Ready General Base Picosatellite for Any Mission. O’Reilly Media.

Domingos P (2015) The master algorithm: How the quest for the ultimate learning machine will remake our world. Basic Books.

Duckworth A (2016) GRIT: The power of passion and perseverance. NY,NY: Simon & Schuster, Scribner.

Gada, K (2017 forth coming) ATOM: Technology deflation.  ISSIP Business Expert Press.

Gershuny J (2003) Changing times: Work and leisure in postindustrial society. Oxford University Press.

Hannibal, ME (2017) Citizen Scientist: Searching for Heroes and Hope in an Age of Extinction Kindle Edition. The Experiment Press.

Hatch M (2013) The maker movement manifesto: rules for innovation in the new world of crafters, hackers, and tinkerers. McGraw Hill Professional.

Friedman TL (2017) Thank you for being late: An optimist’s guide to thriving in the age of accelerations. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Lowney C (2010) Heroic leadership: Best practices from a 450-year-old company that changed the world. Loyola Press.

Norman DA (1993) Things that make us smart: Defending human attributes in the age of the machine. Basic Books.

For even more readings:

Top 10:

Holiday 2016:

Jobs of the Future:

For relevant presentation see: 

IBM Welcome and Cognitive Futures

Per request of Timothy Keiningham