Disruption: A service science blog bookmark

(1) On Irene Ng’s “The Markets to Redesign” – personal data, share manufactured things, and drugs/pharma all need disruption for sure, and in next decade human microbiome may disrupt pharma finally and permanently…  https://bizresearcher.wordpress.com/2016/12/02/the-markets-to-redesign/


Innovation Caucus tool – to help disrupt interconnected path dependent business models in industries: https://innovateuk.blog.gov.uk/2016/09/28/innovation-beyond-things-and-widgets/
For more see, 55 Jobs of the future: http://www.futuristspeaker.com/business-trends/55-jobs-of-the-future/

The Dismantlers: Prison System Dismantlers, Hospital and Healthcare Dismantlers, Income Tax System Dismantlers, Government Agency Dismantlers

More: https://service-science.info/archives/4430

(2)  On Gautam Mahajan’s disruption value tree and disruption of industries, I have also enjoyed these four items a great deal:

(a) Routine labor industry: What will everyone do with 100 digital workers each by 2055? http://www.odbms.org/blog/2017/02/on-digital-labor-technology-challenges-and-opportunities-interview-with-michael-henry/

(b) Efficiency of different types of capital for disruption and better explanations:
Hunter Hastings (with Jeff Saperstein) ISSIP BEP book author – writes, presents, and speaks about…
Entrepreneurial super intelligence: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/1zlyo9GREvHBzd
Audio: https://mises.org/system/tdf/Hastings_20170317.mp3?file=1&type=audio
Ray Dalio (BridgeWater): http://fortune.com/2016/12/24/bridgewater-ray-dalio-algorithm/
George Gilder (Scandal of Money): https://www.amazon.com/Scandal-Money-Street-Recovers-Economy-ebook/dp/B01C91169Q/
Hunter wrote: “A major thought of his [Gilder] is that trading financial assets does not add new knowledge to the economy, and it is new knowledge that makes the economy grow, and creates jobs. Entrepreneurs are engaged in conducting what he calls falsifiable experiments that become learning and knowledge. Therefore, venture capital is the most valuable money in the economy. He quotes Peter Thiel’s numbers: venture capital is less than 0.2% of total capital, but has seeded companies that now produce 21% of GDP, 65% of market capitalization and 17% of all jobs (that last number is probably under-estimated, notes Gilder).”
David Deutsch (Beginning of Infinity): http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/14/books/review/the-beginning-of-infinity-by-david-deutsch-book-review.html
Robert Wright (Evolution of God): http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/28/books/review/Bloom-t.html

(c) Government funding needed – taxes can go away by 2035: technology deflation: salvation or death trap…

(d) Government enforces responsible behavior – innovate responsibility – complex system have capabilities and constraints; service systems have rights and responsibilities, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2DqEjqnnvk

More: https://service-science.info/archives/4463

Built on top of:

(1) Irene Ng’s Value and Worth (price – money – what people are willing to pay for something) is a helpful framework for your work in my mind.

(2) The tree-diagrams that lead to industries is also a nice direction to pursue to highlight some aspects of the systems dynamics.   I like the the work of John Sterman for modeling some of these disruptinve dynamics…

(3) The industry level analysis might also benefit from looking at Basole and Rouse:

(4) Paul Maglio and I are approaching the problem from the perspective of a simulation of the evolving ecology of service system entities – we have been brainstorming for years about how units-analysis (miles/gallon, bits/joule) etc. and other units based key performance indicators of smarter service systems evolve over time.   There is still a lot of work to do on this, but my inspiration for keeping at the task is the inspiration I draw from Kline’s book below – which discuss human-techno-extension factors and socio-technical-system design loops accelerating as more units get integrated into systems…

Kline SJ (1995) Conceptual foundations for multidisciplinary thinking. Stanford University Press.  OK, summary here – but the book is much better: http://prod.sandia.gov/techlib/access-control.cgi/2011/114500.pdf

The following book is the best treatment of B2B KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) I have read across industries, and also highlights the importance of units analysis in B2B KPIs… businesses that can intelligently evolve their KPIs over time, do better as disruptive innovators, than those who use overly simplistics KPIs that do not evolve, in general.   https://www.amazon.com/Value-Merchants-Demonstrating-Documenting-Superior/dp/1422103358