Why ISSIP? Because the 21st century world needs T-shaped people.

ISSIP has a focus on helping industry (institutional sponsors) find student teams to do smart service system innovation projects supervised by faculty, on topics of mutual interest.

Through projects, ISSIP aspires to inspire the next generation of T-shaped service innovators (open innovators, X-prize type innovators too), while helping industry get exploratory projects done and develop a T-shaped talent pipeline. ISSIP is co-sponsoring T Summit 2016 at the National Academies in Washington DC March-21-22. ISSIP also co-sponsors HICSS (Hawaii Jan 5-8, 2016) and AHFE HSSE (Orlando July 27-31, 2016). For US faculty, Dec 2 is deadline for letters of intent to NSF to compete to win $1M over three year for smart, people-centered service system proposal. ISSIP encourages the creation of and promotes video courses to educate and inspire with respect to smart, people-centered service systems.

ISSIP partners with other professional associations (IEEE, ACM, INFORMS, etc.) and centers (Cambridge Service Alliance, Karlsruhe Service Allivance, Center for Service Leadership, etc.) to encourage lifelong learning, doing, and innovation for T-shaped students and professionals. Design thinking, systems thinking, service thinking strengthen each other, and ISSIP encourages T-shaped talent and workforce, as described by companies and other organizations, across data science/analytics, management, engineering, design, arts, law, and all areas of expertise depth.

ISSIP has identified and works to partner with over a dozen student-oriented platforms that help industry, academia, government provide mentors and challenges to students.

Why ISSIP? Because students and professionals, as life-long learners and doers, must come to terms with two facts of life in the 21st century world: (1) qualify-of-life improvements, generation after generation, require innovations that impact simultaneously (a) qualify-of-service (customer), (b) quality-of-jobs (provider), and (c) quality-of-investments (governance) of STEEP systems (Social-Technologial-Environmental-Economic-Political) or what we term more simply smart, people-centered, service systems, and (2) smart, people-centered service systems work better with T-shaped people inside them; T-shaped people have both (a) breadth (empathy, social skills and models of the world) and (b) depth (expertise, cognitive skills and models of the world).

We need your insights to help evolve and co-create ISSIP – so thanks in advance for networking and sharing.

Join ISSIP here at no cost, just takes one minute if you have your LinkedIn URL handy and a complex password ready.

The importance of being a T-shaped service innovator will become very apparent by 2025 when cognitive systems are able to ingest textbooks and answer all questions in them faster and more accurately than any faculty or student at university.  To learn more join the ISSIP discussions and ISSIP COI CSIG discussions on LinkedIn.   You can find old Cognitive System Institute Group presentations here – and join the weekly calls.  Mother Jones has created a nice animation and analogy for how fast computers have to be to have the computing power of the human brain – compare 2015 and 2025 in the picture (scroll down here).

Many ISSIP members believe that the best way to predict the future is to inspire the next generation of students to build it better, and that the future is already here at universities, it is just not yet well distributed.

For more information about ISSIP and the weekly speaker series send email to info@issip.org.  There are several 30 minute and 1 hour weekly call series that are time well spent to learn more about the future of smart, people-centered service systems.

Summary URLs:

21st Century needs T-shaped service innovators: http://blogs.cisco.com/sp/the-importance-of-service-research-to-our-industry

CSIG LinkedIn discussion: https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=6729452

CSIG speaker series: http://cognitive-science.info/community/weekly-update/

HICSS (Hawaii, Jan 5-8): http://www.hicss.org/

HSSE (Orlando, Florida July 27-31): http://www.ahfe2016.org/board.html#hsse

ISSIP BEP Books: http://www.issip.org/issip-partnership/

ISSIP Leadership: http://www.issip.org/about-issip/team/leadership-team/

ISSIP LinkedIn discussion:  https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=4720974

NSF Smart, People-Centered Service Systems award program:  http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15610/nsf15610.htm

NSF Revolutionizing Engineering Departments: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15607/nsf15607.htm

Student-Oriented Platforms: https://service-science.info/archives/3681

T-shapes and arts: http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/top_performers/2015/06/the_t-shaped_curriculum_liberal_arts_technical_education_or_both.html

T-shapes and design: http://chiefexecutive.net/ideo-ceo-tim-brown-t-shaped-stars-the-backbone-of-ideoae%E2%84%A2s-collaborative-culture/

T-shapes and data science/analytics: https://www.informs.org/ORMS-Today/Public-Articles/February-Volume-39-Number-1/The-shape-of-analytics-certification

T-shapes and management: https://hbr.org/2001/03/introducing-t-shaped-managers-knowledge-managements-next-generation

T-shapes and engineering: https://peer.asee.org/the-t-shaped-engineer

T-shapes and law: http://www.americanbar.org/publications/law_practice_magazine/2014/july-august/the-21st-century-t-shaped-lawyer.html

T-shapes and government: http://www.stjobs.sg/career-resources/workplace-success/stay-ahead-by-being-a-t-shaped-professional/a/63354

T-shapes and companies: http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/us/en/icons/servicescience/

T-shapes depth requirement: http://www.core77.com/posts/17426/is-it-time-to-rethink-the-t-shaped-designer-17426

T-shaped Talent and Workforce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-shaped_skills

T Summit talk proposals: http://undergrad.msu.edu/uploads/T-Summit%202016%20Call%20for%20Proposals.pdf

T Summit 2016: http:/tsummit.org/about

Video/Animation from Mother Jones of Brain-scale Computing Power (scroll down page): http://www.motherjones.com/media/2013/05/robots-artificial-intelligence-jobs-automation

Video Course on Design of Complex Systems:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBuCxHNRuhI&list=PLsJWgOB5mIMDxrvzexu1BhfBFygW9gby0&index=2

Video Inspiration on Doing Useful Things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY7f1t9y9a0

Welcome everyone to ISSIP professional association, join in just 2 minutes: http://www.issip.org/wp-login.php?action=register
Please have your Linkedin url handy – something like: https://www.linkedin.com/in/person_name
Please have a unique complex password handy (lower, upper, digit, punctuation) – something like: “issip4ME!”
When you register at no cost you will get member benefits including discounts on ISSIP BEP books.