Annotated Bibliography: Holiday Reading and Re-Reading


Certain books and papers, I enjoy reading and re-reading as many times as I can, learning something new each time as I change my mental models over time.

In the annotated bibliography below, I have selected some of the special reading that I hope you will enjoy too…

1. Auerswald P. The coming prosperity: How entrepreneurs are transforming the global economy. Oxford University Press; 2011 Dec 15.

[extends the notion of recipes in several interesting ways, including viewing entrepreneurs as people who bring new innovations to the world by seeking out new combinations and configurations of resources.]

2. Baros O (2017) Business Engineering and Service Design. Business Expert Press.

“Ever since the idea of Service Science was proposed, seveal lines of work in what is now called Service Science, Management, and Engineering (SSME) have been put forward.” p. 1

“… we want to assure that service design is explicitly aligned with strategy and business model; to accomplish this, we propose the method of business engineering in performing such design.” p. 1

3. Bitner MJ, Ostrom AL, Burkhard KA (2012) Service blueprinting: Transforming the student experience. EDUCAUSE Review 47(6):38-51.

“There is much discussion today about the need to transform higher education for the benefit of students, employers, and society at large.  Experts and researchers list the numerous challenges: low student retention rates and graduation rates, the increasing cost of higher education, and concerns that graduates don’t possess the skills required to compete successfully in today’s interconnected, global marketplace. For example… ” p. 38

“Viewing higher education as a service, or a service system, means that transformative initiatives will benefit from being viewed through a service lens.” p. 40

“One specific technique is service blueprinting, which facilitates collaboration among key contributors and stakeholders across a broad customer experience to create a visual depiction, or blueprint, of a service.” p. 42

4. Bogost I (2016) Play Anything: The Pleasure of Limits, the Uses of Boredom, & the Secret of Games. Basic Books.

“Preface: Life is not a game… ‘Life is a game.’ I am sure you have heard this adage… Like most aphorisms, it mostly feigns insight.  ‘Life is a game,’ and so… what, exactly? It ends, eventually? It pits you in a challenge against others? Or it puts you in collaboration with them? Or even that you, a proverbial player, can manipulate people and things as if they are pawns in a game? Maybe it means life is fun like a game – unless it is not, of course, in which case maybe life is like a bad game.” p. ix

“This book offers a perspective on how to live in a world far bigger than our bodies, minds, hopes, and dreams, and how to do it with pleasure and gratitude.  I approach this topic through the lenses of game design and philosophy – and psychology, anthropology, science, art, design, entertainment, computing, and literature.  The lesson that games teach us is simple.  Games aren’t appealing because they are fun, but because they are limited.” p. x

“Play cultivates humility, for it requires us to treat things as they are rather than as we wish them to be.  If we let it, play can be the secret to contentment.  Not because it provides happiness or pleasure – although it certainly can – but because it helps us pursue a greater respect for the things, people, and situations around us.” p. xii

“Children aren’t only less inhibited than adults; they are also less powerful, and smaller too… And so children are constantly compromising, constantly adjusting to an environment that is clearly not theirs, not yet.  That’s wisdom, not innocence.  If only we could harness that wisdom and make use of it.” p. 3

“Children are right to allow the humility of their smallness to rule the day.  My daughter showed us the key: misery gives way to fun when you take an object, event, situation, or scenario that wasn’t designed for you, that sn’t invested in you, that isn’t concerned in the slightest for your experience of it, and then treat it as if it were.” p. 3

5. Brock, JA (2004) Rules for leadership, life, and career.  Tulsa, OK.

“All great leaders have four common characteristics: (1) Bedrock principles, (2) A moral companss, (3) Vision, and (4) The ability to form a consensus.  There have been great leaders both good (Churchill, Joan of Arc) and evil (Hitler, Stalin).  The evil ones rule by fear and coercion.  The good ones rule by inspiring confidence and trust… A thousand books have been written on leadership.  Leadership is complex.  Simply put, a good leader knows what to do, and does it.” p. 1

“The four strategic virtues required to be a successful leader: (1) Courage, (2) Justice, (3) Moderation, and (4) Wisdom.” p. 2


6. Clark A (2014) Mindware: An introduction to the philosophy of cognitive science. Oxford University Press.

“… a genuine understanding of the complex interactive webs that unite brains, bodies, people, and their sociotechnological worlds.” p. vii

“‘The study of logic and computers has revealed to us that intelligence resides in physical sumbol systems.  This is computer science’s most basic law of qualitative structure (Newell and Simon, 1976, p. 125).” p. 30


7. Clark A (2008/2011) Supersizing the mind: Embodiment, action, and cognitive extension. Oxford University Press.

“Feynman’s suggestion is, at the very least, that the loop into the external medium was intregral to his intellectual activity (the ‘working’) itself.  But I would go further and suggest that Feynman was actually thinking on the paper.  The loop through the pen and paper is part of the physical machinery responsible for the shape of the flow of thoughts and ideas…” p. xxv

“Such body- and world-involving cycles are bet understood, or so I shall argue, as quite literally extending the machinery of mind out into the world – as building extended cognitive circuits that are themselves the minimal material bases for important aspects of human thought and reason.  Such cycles supersize the mind.” p. xxvi

“Honda’s Asimo (see fig. 1.1) is billed, perhaps rightly, as the world’s most advanced humanoid robot… As a walking robot, however, Asimo is far from energy efficient.  For a walking agent, one way to measure energy efficiency is by the so-called specific cost of transport (Tucker 1975) – namely ‘the amount of energy required to carry a unit weight a unit distance.’ … Asimo… cost of transport of about 3.2, whereas humans… about 0.2.  What accounts for this massive difference in energetic expenditure? Whereas robots like Asimo walk by means of very precise, and energy-intensive, joint-angle control systems, biological walking agents make maximal use of mass properties and biomechamical couplings…” p. 3

“3 Material Symbols: 3.1 Language as Scaffolding: Where does language fit into our emerging picture of the plastic, environmentally exploitative, ecologically efficient agent?  One useful way to approach this question is to consider language itself as a form of mind-transforming, cognitive scaffolding…” p. 44

8. Dartnell L (2015) The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Civilization in the Aftermath of a Cataclysm. Penguin.

“People living in developed nations have become disconnected from the everyday processes of civilization that support them… What’s more, each piece of modern technology we take for granted requires an enormous support network of other technologies.” p. 3

“Even quotidian artifacts of our civilization that aren’t particularly high-tech still require a diversity of materials that must be mined or otherwise gathered, processed in specialized factories, and assembled in manufacturing facilities.” p. 4

“A Reboot Manual: The most profound problem facing survivors is that human knowledge is collective, distributed across the population.  No one individual knows enough to keep the vital process of society going.” p. 5

“The solution can be found in a remark made by physicist Richard Feynman.  In hypothesizing about the potential destruction of all scientific knowledge and what might be done about it, he allowed himself a single statement, to be transmitted securely to whichever intelligent creatures emerged after the cataclysm: What sentence holds the most information in the fewest words?  ‘I believe,’ said Feynman, ‘it is the atomic hypothesis … that all things are made of atoms – little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart but repelling upon being squeezed into one another.'” p. 9

“Inspired by Feynman, I’d argue that the best way to help survivors of the Fall is not to create a comprehensive record of all knowledge, but to provide a guide to the basics, adapted to their likely circumstances, as well as blueprint of the techniques to rediscover crucial understanding for themselves – the powerful knowledge-generation machinery that is the scientific method.  The key to preserving civilization is to provide a condensed seed that will readily unpack to yield the entire expansive tree of knowledge, rather than attempting to document the colossal tree itself.” p. 10

“During the reboot, there’s no reason to retrace the original route to science and technological sophistication.  Our path through history has been long and tortuous…  But with 20/20 hindsight, knowing what we know now, could we give directions straight to crucial advances, taking shortcuts like an experienced navigator? How might we chart an optimal route through the vastly interlinked network of scientific principles and enabling technology to accelerate progress as much as possible?” p. 11

9. Deacon TW (1998) The symbolic species: The co-evolution of language and the brain. WW Norton & Company.

“As our species designation – sapiens – suggests, the defining attribute of human beings is an unparalleled cognitive ability.” p. 21


10. Denning PJ, Flores G (2016) The Profession of IT: Learning to learn: Do you get stuck when it is time to learn something new? Read this. Communications of the ACM. Dec 1;59(12):32-36.

[See related, but quite different here:]

“Learning to learn is a navigational skill of recognizing moods that block learning and shifting to moods that enhance learning.” p. 32

“Table 2: Moods that support learning: Ambition, Confidence, Perplexity, bafflement, Resolution, Serenity, acceptance, Trust, Wonder” p. 35

“Table 3: Moods that block learning: Apathy, Arrogance, Boredom, Confusion, Distrust, skepticism, Fear, anxiety, Frustration, Impatience, Insecurity, Overwhelm, Resignation” p. 35

“Shifting moods requires reflection and practice because you may have to unlearn some habits that you formed for coping with different situations.” p. 36


11. Domingos P (2015) The master algorithm: How the quest for the ultimate learning machine will remake our world. Basic Books.

[C-level execs must read this if they want to understand machine learning deeply.   From a service science perspective, this also explains why Data > Software. These are part of: Transformation > Experience > Data > Software > Hardware =  TEDSH inequality.]

12. Ericsson KA (2009) Development of professional expertise: Toward measurement of expert performance and design of optimal learning environments. Cambridge University Press.

“Developments in technology and software engineering are making many types of traditional jobs, such as bookkeeping, accounting, routine design, and document indexing, virtually obsolote.” p. 1

13. Fagin R, Halpern JY, Moses Y, Vardi M (2004) Reasoning about knowledge. MIT press.

“Epistemology, the study of knowledge, has a long and honorable tradition in philosophy, starting with the early Greek philosophers.” p. 1

“A number of states of knowledge arise naturally in a multi-agent situation that do not arise in the one-agent case.” p. 2

“Common knowledge also arises in discourse understanding… …common knowledge also turns out to be a prerequisite for achieving agreement… At the other end of the spectrum from common knowledge is distributed knowledge… common knowledge and distributed knowledge are useful tools in helping us understand and analyze complicated situations involve groups of agents.” p. 3


14. Furseth, PI, Cuthbertson, R (2016) Service Innovation Triangle: The building blocks of innovation.  Norwegian School of Business and Oxford Institute of Retail Management, Said School of Business.

“Service Innovation Triangle (SIT): Customers, Owners, Suppliers; Value, Service System, Business Model, Customer Experience,Tangible Assets, Technology, Financial Assets, People, Intangible Assets;  SIT Methodology – Innovation can start anywhere: 3 actors, 3 layers, 9 elements.   SIT Checklist: 1. Decide where to focus, 2. Consider impact on other elements.” p. i-ii

15. Gelernter D (1993) Mirror worlds: Or the day software puts the universe in a shoebox… How it will happen and what it will mean. Oxford University Press.

[this explains why Software > Hardware; and really XaaS – Everything as a Service – everything as an information/data service.   These are part of: Transformation > Experience > Data > Software > Hardware =  TEDSH inequality.]

“The Mirror World isn’t a mere information service. It’ a place.” p. 22

16. Gery GJ (1991) Electronic performance support systems: How and why to remake the workplace through the strategic application of technology. Weingarten Publications, Inc.

“The emergence of a new discipline such as electronic performance support often starts when a few people are frustrated with the mismatch between thier needs and traditional approaches to filling them.  Conversation heat up.”  p. i

“Organizations substantially increase the effectiveness of human endeavor.” p. 2

“The goal of an electronic performance support system is to provide whatever is necessary to generate performance and learning at the moment of need.” p. 34

17. Goldberg DE, Somerville M (2014) A whole new engineer. Three Joy Associates Inc.

[Many of the themes of T-shaped professionals come out in this book]

18. Goldratt EM, Schragenheim E, Ptak CA (200) Necessary but not sufficient: A theory of constraints business novel. Norths Rivers Press.

[In the form of a novel about a business finding and improving its weakest links, one after the other – multiple stakeholder perspectives, and conversations.]

19. Goodsell DS (2009) The machinery of life. Springer Science & Business Media.

“Cells are about 1000 times smaller in length than objects in our everyday world… another 100 times reduction takes us to the world of molecules” p. 3

“At room temperature, a medium-sized protein travels at a rate of about 5 m/s (the speed of a fast runner).  If placed alone in space, this protein would travel its own length in about a nanosecond ( a billionth of a second). ” p. 5

“Cells do almost all their work with six types of atoms – carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosperous, and hydrogen – addig more exotic atoms only when needed for special tasks. These atoms may be connected in only very limited ways, defined by the underlying chemistry of the atom.  Molecular machines must be constructed within these significant limitations.” p. 10

20. Gorbis M (2013) The nature of the future: Dispatches from the socialstructed world. Simon and Schuster.

“Today, all around the world, we are seeing a new kind of network or relationship-driven economy emerging, with individuals joining forces sometimes to fill the gaps left by existing institutions – corporate, governments, educational establishments – and sometimes creating new products, services, and knowledge that no institution is able to provide.  Empowered by computing and communications technologies that have been steadily building village-like networks on a global scale, we are infusing more and more of our economic transactions with social connectedness.  The new technologies are inherently social and personal.  They help us create communities around interests, identities, and common personal challenges.  They allow us to gain direct access to a worldwide community of others…  We are moving away from the dominance of the depersonalized world of institutional production and creating a new economy around social connections and social rewards – a process I call socialstructing.” p. 3

“Socialstructing is in fact enabling not only a new kind of global economy but a new kind of society, in which amplified indivuals – individuals empowered with technologies and the collective intelligence of others in their social network – can take on many functions previously only large organizations could perform, often more efficiently, at lower costs or no cost at all, and with greater ease.” p. 4


21. Gustaffson A , Kristensson P, Schirr GR, Witell L (2016) Service Innovation.  Business Expert Press.

“Even by out-of-date traditional measure, over 70 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the European Union (EU) and Sweden and over 80 percent of the GDP of the United States is service.  Yet, most of the models and theories of service innovation are based on new product development for goods.” p. i

22. Hatch M (2013) The maker movement manifesto: rules for innovation in the new world of crafters, hackers, and tinkerers. McGraw Hill Professional.

“Manifesto: Make, Share, Give, Learn, Tool Up, Play, Participate, Support, Change” p. 1-2

“But because the maker revolution is physical, it is destined to be bigger.” P. 3

“A 98 percent reduction in the cost of launching a product or company means, for example, that what used to cost $100,000 now costs just $2,000.” P. 7

“Tools are getting easier to use, they are more powerful, and they are cheaper to acquire than at any other time in history.  Materials are becoming more accessible, more sophisticated, and more fun to work on and with.” P. 23

“The key thing here is that the costs of resources for a start-up are falling” p. 43

“The largest untapped resource on the planet is the spare time, creativity, and disposable income of the ‘creative class.’” P. 52

23. Hayek – “Individualism and Economic Order”

This is an important key for me – related to rights and responsibilities of individuals….

However that may be, the main point about which there can be little doubt is that Smith’s chief concern was not so much with what man might occasionally achieve when he was at his best but that he should have as little opportunity as possible to do harm when he was at his worst. It would scarcely be too much to claim that the main merit of the individualism which he and his contemporaries advocated is that it is a system under which bad men can do least harm.

This is the constitutional limitation of man’s knowledge and interests, the fact that he cannot know more than a tiny part of the whole of society and that therefore all that can enter into his motives are the immediate effects which his actions will have in the sphere he knows. All the possible differences in men’s moral attitudes amount to little, so far as their significance for social organization is concerned, compared with the fact that all man’s mind can effectively comprehend are the facts of the narrow circle of which he is the center; that, whether he is completely selfish or the most perfect altruist, the human needs for which he can effectively care are an almost negligible fraction of the needs, of all members of society.

This is what social media and digital cognitive systems may change….  leaders of large corporations and nations already approach this new state of affairs…

[Seee also Galambos:

Sic Itur Ad Astra: The Theory of Volition (Volume 1)

A course in Volitional Science (Andrew Joseph Galambos)]


24. Hurwitz J, Bloor R, Kaufman M, Halper F (2009) Service management for dummies. Compliments of IBM: IBM Limited Edition. Wiley.

“Cover: Learn to: transform your capabilities and resources into business value, manager your business assets as a service, respond more quickly to new opportunities.”

“We think that service management is becoming increasingly important in a service-driven economy… We think it is important to focus on the intersection of business strategy, IT strategy, planning, and operations.” p. 1

“A service can be something as simple as preparing and delivering a meal to a table in a restaurant or as complex as managing the components of a data center or operations of a factory.  We’re entering an era where everything is a service.” p. 3

“When your thinking about service management (monitoring and optimizing a service to ensure that it meets the critical outcomes the customer values and stakeholders want to provide), many dimensions and aspects might not be apparent from the outset.” p. 4

“The world of service management has two sides: the customer experience and the set of behind-the-scenes services that support the customer.” p. 7


25. IfM and IBM (2008). Succeeding through service innovation: A service perspective for education, research, business, and government.  A white paper based on Cambridge Service Science, Management and Engineering Symposium (July 2007), the consultation process (October – December 2007). University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge, UK.

“Executive Summary: For education: Enable graduates from various disciplines to become T-shaped professionals or adaptive innovators; promote SSME education programmes and qualifications; develop a modular template-based SSME curriculum in higher education and extend to other levels of education; explore new teaching methods for SSME education.” p. 1

“1.2 New skills and knowledge required: The rising demand for service innovation has huge implications for skills and the knowledge base that underpins them. People are needed who can understand and marshal diverse, and increasingly global, resources to create value. Quite often, these resources are accessed using advanced ICT and new globe-spanning business models. The people with such skills are known as adaptive innovators – those who identify and realise a continuous stream of innovation in service systems.” p. 4

“Service systems are dynamic configurations of people, technologies, organisations and shared information that create and deliver value to customers, providers and other stakeholders.” p. 1

“Succeeding through service innovation: A framework for progress.  1. Emerging Demand, 2. Define the domain, 3. Foundations and gaps, 4. Bridge the gaps, 5. Recommendation” p. 2 (Figure)

26. Johnson L, Adams-Becker S, Cummins M, Estrada V,  Freeman A, Hall C (2016) NMC Horizon Report: 2016 Higher Education Edition. Austin, TX. The New Media Consortium.

“What is on the five year horizon for higher education institutions? … The experts agreed on two long-term impact trends: advancing cultures of innovation, as well as fundamentally rethinking how universities and colleges work.” p. 1

“Long-term impact trends: advancing culture of innovation, rethinking how higher education works” p. 8-11

“Mid-term impact trends: Redesigning learning spaces, shift to deeper learning approaches” p. 12-15

“Short-term impact trends: Growing focus on measuring learning, increasing use of blended learning designs.” p. 16-19

“Solvable challenges: Blending formal and informal learning, improving digital literacy” p. 20-25

“Difficult challenges: Competing models of educaiton, personalized learning” p. 26-29

“Wicked challenges: Balancing our connected and unconnected lives, keeping education relevant” p. 30-33

“One year or less: Bring your own devices (BYOD), learning analytics and adaptive learning” p. 34-39

“Two to three years: Augmented reality and virtual reality” p. 40-43

“Four to five year: Affective learning, robotics” p. 44-49

27. Iwano K, Motegi T (2015) Wisdom Computing: Toward creative collaboration between humans and machines. Journal of Information Processing and Management. 58(7):515-524 (岩野和生, 茂木強. 知のコンピューティング: 人間と機械の共創する社会を目指して. 情報管理.)
article in Japanese:
video in Japanese:

[Quotes below from English translation provided by the first author – Center for Research and Development Strategy (CRDS), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)]

“With ever-increasing progress of science and technology, we, humans, have been drawn in the sea of abundant knowledge and information.  It is indeed unclear that we have become wiser than ever…  The more complicated the world becomes, the poorer the quality of our decisions becomes… Wisdom computing refers to activities aiming at promoting the creation of wisdom utilizing information technology (IT) and accelerating the scientific discoveries and their social implicaiton.” p. 1

“Wisdom computing and ELSI/SSH issue map… Ethical Legal Social Innovation/Social Sciences Humanities” p. 9


28. Lissack M, Roos J. The next common sense: Mastering corporate complexity through coherence. Nicholas Brealey International; 1999.

“The Next Common Sense recognizes that the “e” in e-manager describes the environment, not the task…” p. III

“The old common sense was about dealing with the discrete element of a complicated world.  The next common sense is about mastering the complex swirl of events and situations around us through coherence.” p. 1

“Today’s management is all about interactions rather than entities, about the effects of relationships between people inside and outside the organization rather than about controlling entities like distinct groups of employees… ” p. 3

29. Lowney C (2010) Heroic leadership: Best practices from a 450-year-old company that changed the world. Loyola Press; 2010.

“Moreover, the Jesuits were launched into an environment that, though four centuries removed, had telling analogies to our own.  New worlds were opening as voyages of discovery established permanent European links to the Americas and Asia.  Media technology was evolving: Gutenberg’s printing press had transformed books from luxury goods into more widely accessible media.  Traditional approaches and belief systems were questioned or discarded as Protestant reformers mounted the first widespread and permanent ‘competition’ to the Roman Catholic Church.” p. 4

“Why the Jesuits?  Founded in 1540 by ten men with no capital and no business plan, the Jesuits built, within little more than a generation, the world’s most influential company of its kind. As confidants to European monarchs, China’s Ming emperor, the Japanese shogun, and the Mughal emperor in India, they boasted a Rolodex unmatched by that of any commercial, religious, or government entity… By the late eighteenth century, seven hundred secondary schools and colleges sprawled across five continents.  By one estimate, Jesuits were education nearly 20 percent of all Europeans pursuing a classical higher education.” p. 7

Four pillars of success… self-awareness, ingenuity, love, heroism… In other words, Jesuits equipped their recruits to succeed by molding them into leaders who… understood their strengths, weaknesses, values, and worldview; confidently innovated and adapted to embrace a changing world; engaged others with a positive, loving attitude; and energized themselves and others through heroic ambition.  Moreover, Jesuits trained every recruit to lead, convinced that all leadership begins with self-leadership.” p. 9


30. March JG (1991) Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization science. Feb;2(1):71-87.

“This paper considers the relationship between the exploration of new possibilities and the exploitation of old certainties in organizational learning.  It examines some complications in allocating resources between the two, particularly those introduced by the distribution of costs and benefits across time and space, and the effects of ecological interactions.” p. 71

31. Markova D, McArthur A (2015) Collaborative Intelligence: Thinking with People who Think Differently. Spiegel & Grau.

“The most significant gift our species brings to the world is our capacity to think.  The most significant danger our species beings to the world is our inability to think with those who think differently.”  p. 6

“Your collaborative-intelligence quotient, which we will refer to as ‘CQ’ throughout this book, is a measure of your ability to think with others on behalf of what matters to us all.” p. 8

32. McKenna CD (2006) The world’s newest profession: Management consulting in the twentieth century. Cambridge University Press.

“Series Editor’s Preface: In the past century, the United States has made many important contributions to the global economy – in technology, in business practices, and in organizational structures. Few of these innovations, we believe, have been more significant than the subject of Christopher McKenna’s book on the rise of management consulting in the twentieth century.” p. xiii

“In Lemann’s view, the best students were drawn to jobs in the elite consulting firms because these firms offered students, ‘that odd upper meritocratic combination of love of competition, herd mentality, and aversion to risk.’ … In other words, for those students who couldn’t yet decide what to do with their lives, but did not want to appear directionless, management consulting promised the credentialed path to future glory.” p. 3

“It was no coincidence that Marvin Bower of McKinsey & Company described management consulting as ‘on of the newer professions’ when he addressed the MBAs at Harvard in 1962. In particular, Bower was a leading advocate of the ongoing professioanlization of management consulting and professional status was a constant topic of concern as consultants gain economic and cultural status.” p. 5

“One: Economies of Knowledge: A Theory of Management Consulting: In 1930, Business Week introduced its readers to a new professional service: management consulting.  As the writers at Business Week explained, the existing system of business professionals had become so complicated that, according to James McKinsey at the University of Chicago, a new type of professional was ‘increasing in numbers and influence… the advisor that tells business what other advisors to use and when.;” p. 8


33. Michaelian K (2016) Mental time travel: episodic memory and our knowledge of the personal past. MIT Press.

[Related: Suddendorf T, Corballis MC (1997) Mental time travel and the evolution of the human mind. Genetic, social, and general psychology monographs. 123(2):133-67.]

“1 Three Questions about Memory: The argument of this book is driven by three core questions: What is memory? How does memory give us knowledge? When and why did memory emerge? 1.1 What is Memory?  The attempt to say what memory is amounts, in the first place, to an attempt to give an informative general characterization of remembering – of what it is for someone to remember something.” p. 3

“Part I sets the stage for the rest of the book. Relying on research on the memory systems of the human brain… The simulation theory of memory is developed and defended in part II.” p. 13

“Part III takes up the question of the reliability of simulational remembering…. Part IV turns to the evolution of episodic memory.” p. 14

34. Mohr BJ, Amelsvoort PV (2016) Co-creating humane and innovative organization:  Evolutions in the practice of socio-technical system design.  Global STS-D Network Press.

“The combination of massive economic upheavals, breathtaking advances in technology, widespread political turmoil, unprecedented climate change, radically shifting demographics, and breakthroughs in social relations has left organizations with a full plate of adaptation challenges.  The combined demands on productivity, quality, flexibility, innovation, sustainability, and healthy work is driving a revitalized search for innovations that include but go beyond faster and smaller technology.  The approach of socio-technical systems design has rich history in creating alternatives so the classical Tayloristic organization in which employees are disengaged, decisions are painfully slow, and silos are powerful dividers.” p. xv

35. Moss D (2007) A concise guide to macroeconomics. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts.

[related and very good is Ray Dalio’s video: How the economic machine works (in 30 minutes) – ]

[to get a peak into the macroeconomic future – Kartik Garda’s thinking on technology deflation is fascinating – ]

“Introduction: Macroeconomic forces affect all of us in our daily lives.  Inflation rates influence prices we pay for goods and services and, in turn, the value of our incomes and our savings.  Interest rates determine the cost of borrowing and the yield on bank accounts and bonds, while exchange rates affect our command over foreign products as well as the value of our foreign assets.  And all of this represents just the tip of the iceberg.  Numerous maco variables – ranging from unemployment to productivity – are equally important in shaping the economic environment in which we live.” p. 1


36. Nakamaki H, Hioki K, Mitsui I, Takeuchi Y, editors (2015) Enterprise as an Instrument of Civilization: An Anthropological Approach to Business Administration. In Translational System Sciences vol 4, Editors in Chief: Kijima K, Deguchi H; Editorial Board: Takahashi S, Kita H, Kaneda T, Tokuyasu A, Hioki K, Aruka Y, Bausch K, Spohrer, J, Hofkirchner, W, Pourdehnad J, Jackson MC.  Springer.

“Chapter 1: Enterprise as an instrument of civilization: Abstract: Instrumental aspects of enterprises are discussed in this chapter, based on Tadao Umaesao’s definition of civilization, namely, ‘human device/institution systems.'” p. 3


37. Nordfors, D, Cerf V, Senges E (2016) Disrupting unemployment:  Reflection on sustainable, middle class economic recovery. I4J Foundation. Ewing Kauffman Foundation.

“Aspects of the vision: How can innovation disrupt unemployment and create meaningful work for everyone? How can we create a strong middle class innovation economy?” p 1

38. Norman DA (1993)Things that make us smart: Defending human attributes in the age of the machine. Basic Books.

[this book explains augmented intelligence very well – perhaps the best I have seen from a cognitive science and design perspectives]

“The good news is that technology can make us smart… The bad news is technology can also make us stupid.” p. 3


39. NSF (2006) Simulation-Based Engineering Science: Revolutionizing Engineering Science Through Simulation. Report of the National Science Foundation Blue Ribbon Panel on Simulation-Based Engineering Science. National Science Founation, Arlington, VA. May.

[Closely related report:
Glotzer SC, Kim S, Cummings PT, Deshmukh A, Head-Gordon M, Karniadakis G, Petzold L, Sagui C, Shinozuka M (2009) International Assessment of Research and Development in Simulation-Based Engineering and Science. Panel Report. WORLD TECHNOLOGY EVALUATION CENTER INC BALTIMORE MD]

“Simulation refers to the application of computational models to the study and prediction of physical events or the behavior of engineered systems… Simultion-based Engineering Science (SBES) is defined as the discipline that provides the scientific and mathematical basis for the simulation of engineered systems.  Such systems ranges from microelectronic devices to automobiles, aircraft, adn even the infrastructure of oilfields and cities.” p. 1


40. Parker GG, Van Alstyne MW, Choudary SP. Platform revolution. WW New York, NY: Norton & Company. 2016.

“Platform Revolution is our attempt to provide the first clear, complete, and authoritative guide to one of the most important economic and social developments of out time – the rise of the platform as a business and organizational model.” p. ix


41. Peavy RV (1997) SocioDynamic Counselling: A Constructivist Perspective.  “The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem.” Trafford.

“The pioneering work of Piaget, Vygotsky, Bakhtin, Leontiev, Kelly, Bruner, and Gergen provides a contemporary constructivist perspective for psychology.  Recently the work of Michael Mahoney, Vittorio Guidano and Greg Neimeiyer and many therapist-writers associated with systems and family therapies have opened up psychotherapy and counselling to constructivist contributions.” p. 9

“This is a book about the transformation of counselling into a practice which is more relevant for individuals who are in the midst of navigating seas of change.” p. 18

“Counselling provides a person the opportunity to examine the implications of her life as she is living it and thereby give consideration to alternative paths as she might live it in the future.” p. 19

“In order to exist in the social world with a confortable sense of being a good, socially proper, and stable person, an individual needs to have a coherent, acceptable and constantly revised life story. Linde.” p. 28

“As counsellors we have the privilege of hearing many stories and scripts and then joining the storytellers in the task of re-authoring them toward more preferred futures.” p. 30

“We are beginning to have a more holistic or ecological frame for understanding ourselves, others, and the world.” p. 34

“The individual is not the sole producer of her life, but produces it in joint action with others and in relations with the physical environment.” p. 37

“Table of constructivist principles for counsellors: 1.  A constructivist counsellor assumes that there are multiple realities, rather than one true, objective reality. … 7. Constructivist counselling is a culture-centered activity. Cultures are designs for living. ” p. 39-43

“Modern institutions differ from all preceding forms of social order in respect to their dynamism, the degree to which they undercut traditional habits and customs, and their global impact… these.. transformations radically alter the nature of day-to-day social life and affect the most personal aspects of our experience. Anthony Giddens, 1991.” p. 49

“Is the technicizing of vocational guidance through the adoption of various forms of ‘computerized’ guidance just another way to lure genuine counselling into the maw of the microchip machine? Is vocational counselling something more than rapid abundant access to ‘information’?  What about moral reasoning and existential pondering of one’s fate and choices?” p. 60

42. Phillips R, Pittman R (2014) An introduction to community development. Routledge.

“Community development has evolved over the past few decades into a recognized discipline of interest to both practitioner and academics.  However, community development is defined in many different ways.  Most practitioners think of community development as an outcome – physical, social, and economic improvement in a community – while most academics think of community development as a process – the ability of communities to act collectively and enhancing the ability to do so.” p 3

43. Pine BJ, Gilmore JH (1999) The experience economy: work is theatre & every business a stage. Harvard Business Press.

[this explains why Experience > Data, and if your read the last chapter why Transformation > Experience. These are part of: Transformation > Experience > Data > Software > Hardware =  TEDSH inequality.]

44. Rayes A, Salam S (2016) Internet of Things–From Hype to Reality: The Road to Digitization. Springer

“Foreword I: In California, just a few months after two people stepped foot on the moon for the first time, two computers began sending messages to each other using protocols designed to make it easy for computers to connect and join the party…   Jim Spohrer, IBM” p. vii

“Technology is becoming embedded in nearly everything in our lives.  Just look around you and you will see how the Internet has completely effected many aspects of our existence.” p. xiii

“The term ‘Internet of Things’ was first coined by Kevin Ashton in a presentation he made at Proctor and Gamble in 1999.” p. 1

“Putting it all together, IoT is the network of things, with clear element identification, emedded with software intelligence, sensors, and ubiquitous connectivity to the Internet.” p. 2

45. Ricketts JA (2007) Reaching the goal: How managers improve a services business using Goldratt’s theory of constraints. Pearson Education.

“Part II: Applications: Chapter 4: Resource Management; Chapter 5: Project Management; Chapter 6: Process Management; Chapter 7: Finance and Accounting; Chapter 8: Marketing and Sales; Part II: Chapter 9: Implementation: Strategy and Change; Chapter 10: Implementation and Technology;” p. viii-xi

“Theory Of Constraints (TOC) gets its name from the fact that all enterprises are constrained by something… So a first step in applying TOC is to figure out where the constraints are… The second step in applying TOC is to utilize the constraint to its fullest extent… The third step in applying TOC is to make sure that nonconstraints keep the constraint busy – but otherwise stay out of the way… The fourth step in applying TOC is to improve productivity of the constraint…  The final step in applying TOC is to repeat the previous steps.   This step is more important than it might seem at first, because the foregoing steps may have caused the constraint to shift.” p. 8-9

46. Sawatani Y, Spohrer J, Kwan S, Takenaka T, editors (2016) Serviceology for Smart Service System: Selected papers of the 3rd International Conference of Serviceology. Springer.

“Services are not merely key economic activities, but also major factors that improve our quality of life, make local communities prosperous, and then provide a foundation for solving emerging issues. … The Society for Serviceology (SfS) was launched in Japan in October 2012 and been developed globally.” p. v

47. Schneiderman B, Plaisant C (2004) Designing the user interface: 4th Edition: strategies for effective human-computer interaction. Pearson Education.

“New technologies provide extraordinary – almost supernatural – powers to those people who master them.” p. 4

48. Schank RC (1983) Dynamic memory: A theory of reminding and learning in computers and people. Cambridge University Press.

“What is a dynamic memory? It is a flexible, open-ended system… A library does not have a dynamic memory.  It changes with great difficulty.” p. 1

“The human memory system, and hence any sensibly designed computer model of that memory system must have the ability to cope with new information in a reasonable way.” p. 19

49. Searle JR (1995)The construction of social reality. Simon and Schuster.

“The Building Blocks of Social Reality: The Metaphysical Burden of Social Reality:  This books is about a problem that has puzzled me for a long time: there are portions of the real world, objective facts in the world, that are only facts by human agreement. In some sense there are things that exist only because we believe them to exist.  I am thinking of things like money, property, governments, and marriages.” p. 1

50. Spohrer JC, Engelbart DC (2004) Converging technologies for enhancing human performance: Science and business perspectives. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. May 1;1013(1):50-82.

[The gist is people want value co-creation experiences that are also capability co-elevation transformations.   Think about healthcare, education, and governance – healthy, wealthy, and wise…]

“Converging technologies refers to a type of co-evolutionary process that is characterized by rapid advances across multiple areas of technology (nano-bio-info-cogno or NBIC), accelerated by interdisciplinary cross-fertilization as the advances in one area spill over into other areas.” p. 50

“About 6% of the estimated hundred billion people who ever lived are alive today and, given the exponential growth rate of world population, this percentage is increasing each year (Haub, 2002).” p. 50

“So, by some measure, the totality of human experience is roughly 10**19 seconds’ worth of experience – all of language, all of culture, and all artifacts.  The percentage of directly observable human experience is on the rise… ” p. 73

51. Spohrer J, Kwan SK (2009) Service science, management, engineering, and design (SSMED): Outline and references. Working paper pages 1-67, later shortened and published in the International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector. 1(3):1-33

“The growth of the global service economy has led to a dramatic increase in our daily interactions with highly specialized service systems. These daily interactions are both frequent and diverse, and may include retail, financial, healthcare, education, online, communications, technical support, entertainment, transportation, legal, professional, government or many other types of specialized interactions.” p. 1

“This paper sketches an outline and preliminary set of references to provoke discussions about the difficult challenge of integrating multiple disciplines to create a new and unique service science.” p. 1

“References and Selected Quotations.” p. 25-67 — annotated bibliography

52. Spohrer, J, Fodell, D, and Murphy M (2012) Ten reasons why service science matters to universities.”  EDUCAUSE Review 47(6):52-65.

“Higher education is being reshaped little by little every day…  What is not changing is the economy.  It is what parents want for their children, as well as what professionals want for themselves as lifelong learners with growing career aspirations.  So how can institutions compete on the global stage of higher education? Through service science, the emerging science that studies value co-creation in complex systems and proven innovation techniques already being used in other industries.” p. 53

“Nevertheless, for our purposes in this article, service phenomena are observed in everyday life as the application of knowledge and resources for the benefit of others.” p. 54.

” Ten reasons: 1. Universities are complex service systems of fundamental importance. 2 Disciplines are infusing service innovation concepts into curriculum. 3. Service science can help universities overcome discipline silos. 4. University-based startups are often new types of online service.  5. Professional associations are adding service science SIGs.  6. Cities, home to most universities, are complex service systems. 7. Service failures are costly and can derail the careers of students.  8.  Service science can help universities move up in rankings. 9. Service science can contribute to good industry-university relations and interactions. 10. Service science can help all universities improve their service excellence ‘game.'” p. 54-64.

53. Spohrer J, Maglio PP (2010) Service science: Toward a smarter planet. In Introduction to service engineering, Eds. Karwowski and Salvendy. Wiley.  pp. 1-33.

“Foundations: Service science is short for Service Science, Manageing, Engineering and Design, also know as SSMED.  It began as a ‘call to action,’ focusing academics, businesses, and governments on the need for reearch and edcuation in areas related to service…  But exactly what counts as service science?  Simply put, service science aims to explain and improve interactions in which multiple entities work together to achinve win-win outcomes or mutual benefit…” p. 3

“Appendix I: Service-Dominant Logic.  The Service-Dominant (S-D) Logic for marketing is a worldview (or mindset) relevant in the service science community (Vargo and Lusch 2004).  The ten foundational premises… (FP1) Service is the fundamental basis of exchange. (FP2) Indirect exchange masks the fundamental basis of exchange. (FP3) Goods are distribution mechamisms for service provision. (FP4) Operant resources are the fundamental source of competitive advantage. (FP5) All economies are service economies.  (FP6) The customer is always a co-creator of value. (FP7) The enterprise cannot deliver value, but only offer value propositions. (FP8) A service-centered view is inherently customer oriented and relational. (FP9) All economic and social actors are resource integrators. (FP10) Value is always uniquely and phenomenologically determined by the beneficiary.” p. 27-30.

“Appendix II: Evolution Examples: Lottery, Installment Payment Plans” p. 30-33.


54. Spohrer J, Banavar G (2015) Cognition as a Service: An Industry Perspective. AI Magazine. Dec 1;36(4):71-86.

“Recent advances in cognitive computing componentry combined with other factors are leading to commercially viable cognitive systems… Cognition as a service can help unlock the mysteries of big data and ultimately boost the creativity and productivity of professionals… ” p. 71

55. Steele, RD (2010) Intelligence for Earth: Clarity, Diveristy, Integrity, and Sustainability. Earth Intelligence Network

[Lays out twelve policies that must be managed together and somehow harmonized across connected regions of the world]


56. Tecuci G, Marcu D, Boicu M, Schum DA (2016) Knowledge Engineering: Building Cognitive Assistants for Evidence-based Reasoning 1st Edition. Cambridge University Press.
[cognitive solutions software engineers and architects/designers should read this book if they want to understand good-old-fashion-AI combined with supervised learning for cognitive systems – the user guiding the development of the system, after the foundation is laid]

57. Wolfrson, A (2016) Sustainable service.  Business Expert Press.

“Service and service dominant logic driving today’s global economy influence every aspect of our lives, in the process, shaping our social and natural environments.” p. i

58. Wright, Robert (2000) Non-Zero: The Logic of  Human Destiny. Vintage/Random House. New York, NY.

“Sometimes political scientists or economists break human interaction down into zero-sum and non-zero-sum components.  Occasionally, evolutionary biologists do the same in looking at the way various living systems work.  My contention is that, if we want to see what drives the direction of both human history and organic evolution, we should apply this perspective more systematically.  Interactions among individual genes, or cells, or animals, among interest groups, or nations, or corporations, can be viewed through the lenses of game theory.  What follows is a survey of human history, and of organic history, with those lenses in place.  My hope is to illuminate a kind of force – the non-zero-sum dynamic – that has crucially shaped the unfolding of life on earth so far.” (Pg. 5);

“In short, both organic and human history involve the playing of every-more-numerous, ever-larger, and ever-more-elaborate non-zero-sum games.  It is the accumulation of these games – game upon game upon game – that constitutes the growth of biological and social complexity…” (Pp. 6-7)