Systems Thinking and T-shaped Professionals

Here is a good introductory presentation on Systems Thinking:

Here is a short blog post connecting Systems Thinking to T-shapes:

For more advanced, I post all my presentation to, where they are public and downloadable.

For example, three presentations you could download and extract slides from:

A big selection of T-shaped slides:

A keynote from Systems Sciences conference:

A recent, Empowering Makers in the Cognitive Era:

The classic book in Systems Thinking is by Weinberg:

The approach I take to Systems Thinking is to think about rapidly rebuilding systems from scratch, with better building blocks and more knowledge each generation – also known as a service science perspective on systems thinking.  The ability to rapidly rebuild is important for resilience and to address the “knowledge burden” of society, where knowledge exponentially increases year over year.

More practically – here is a nice blog post by IBM Watson DE Rama Akkiraju: